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Foods to avoid for improving memory

 Majority of  us might discover ourselves failing to remember significant things consistently. Yet, before you revile your memory for abandoning you during significant errands, inquire as to whether you are eating the right sort of food.

It is  rightly said, "We are what we eat." From our physical strength to mental well-being, everything depends on our daily diet and that's the reason it is advised to eat healthily.

Soft drinks 

The high fructose corn syrup found in soft drinks is particularly destructive, causing cerebrum irritation, impeding memory and learning.

Chips and wafers 

Most authorities on the matter would agree, the people who eat high measures of trans-fat, have a higher danger of Alzheimer's infection, lower mind volume, just as intellectual decrease. Soft drink contains components that hinder memory. 


Junk food negatively affects the brain by reducing the production of a particle - neurotrophic factor. It is this particle that is basic for long memory, learning just as new neurons.


Liquor utilization, as a general rule, influences the brain. Regardless of whether it is persistent liquor misuse or social hard-core boozing, it leeches out Vitamin B1, which prompts a decrease in mind volume, annihilation of synapses and by and large, loss of memory.

So, what are the best foods for healthy memory ?

Increase omega 3 rich foods like chia, flaxseeds, walnuts that will increase the secretion of anti-inflammatory compounds in the brain and have a protective effect.

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